Category: Grooming Tips

How Often Should I Get My Dog Groomed?

Dog in a bath towel in the bathtub

Getting your dog groomed professionally is important for their hygiene and health. The biggest question is how often you should do this. It can be different for every dog depending on their physical attributes. Short-Haired Dogs Short-haired dogs don’t need to be groomed too often. Occasional baths will get them clean and help them stay… Read more »

The Routine Grooming Needs of Poodles

Grooming a Poodle

Did you recently welcome a new poodle puppy into your home or adopt an older poodle for your family? Either way, you should take the time to learn about the different grooming needs your poodle will need in the  coming years. It’s very important to make sure your poodle is groomed properly to ensure that… Read more »

How Groomers Are Able to Keep Dogs Still

Dog Groomer

One of the reasons most people take their dog to a professional groomer is because groomers seem to have the amazing ability to get dogs to stay still! The reality is that most dogs become fearful and fidgety with groomers, too, but the groomers have some things working in their favor to help make the… Read more »

Here’s How You Can Prepare a Nervous Dog for the Groomer

Nervous Dogs at the Groomer

Most dogs get a little nervous when their owner takes them out of their comfort zone. If you were a dog who was used to living in one place, and all of a sudden your owner tries to put you in a car and take you somewhere foreign, you’d be nervous too! D’Tails Grooming grooms… Read more »

How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog?

Bathing Your Dog

Most Americans are used to bathing or showering daily. But what about dogs? Obviously they don’t take daily showers… so how often should you bathe your dog? If you’re the type of person who loves to give your pet dog a bath, then once a week is plenty. When you give a dog a bath,… Read more »

Why You Should Have Your Dog Professionally Groomed

Dogs have earned a reputation of being a pet owner’s best friend. There is perhaps no better animal companion than a dog. Part of owning a dog, of course, is the need for regular grooming. While many people groom their own pets at home, there are also good reasons to consider having your dog professionally… Read more »

2016 New Year’s Resolutions For You And Your Pet

2016 New Year’s Resolutions For You And Your Pet

With the New Year around the corner, many will be making resolutions towards a new beginning. However, the fresh start doesn’t have to be limited to you, as you can make resolutions for your pets as well. Not sure where to start? Here are a few ideas: 2016 – New You & New Pet Activities… Read more »